Moments from my heart journey. Spontaneous and unrefined revelation.

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Sweet Pohnpei Moments

It was such a sweet Pohnpeian experience this morning walking with Zoe(Welsh) and Darlene(Pohnpeian) and being invited over for breakfast egg salad sandwiches and tituhs (fried banana donuts) by some people we didn't know Utleen and Anderson.  So easy to become friends in Pohnpei. 

Wow, here I am Lord.  In Pohnpei.  You brought me here.  I've been here a month and I still can't believe it.  You brought me to an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, to teach me about humility, honor, what it means to serve, boldness in preaching the gospel, character and discipline, hospitality. 

And I remember sitting with Darlene and Una last night at dinner, and Darlene brought over a huge water jug to fill my waterbottle for me.  So sweet, she demonstrates to me what it looks like in Romans 12:13 to "show genuine affection for each other, and to take delight in honoring one another, and to never be lazy but work hard serving the Lord."  wow.

I learned how to clean and scale and gut fish and cook them or cover them with lime juice and eat them raw (sashimi).  And snorkeled over some beautiful reefs and spearfished at night.  I caught one small fish, but I was so proud.  But swimming at night by flashlight was amazing all by itself.  With little glowing bubbles all around.

We had another outdoor outreach in the city park.  And after dancing and drama and a short message, tons of people came up to accept Jesus and then they prayed for themselves to be healed if they needed it and were filled with the Holy Spirit.  My friend Una's mom was instantly healed from back issues that she has had 3 surgeries for and still had a lot of pain and limited range of motion in her whole body.  And she was so excited moving all around and saying, "I feel God, I feel God!".   Everywhere we go on outreaches, we make friends so fast and people just really want Jesus!  The harvest is so ripe in these islands, God is really moving and the people are so hungry, the gospel is so simple, and its such good news.  I am really looking forward to being a part of this revival even in some of the islands that have more oppressed cultures and some who have never heard of Jesus.

We had a guest speaker from the Philippines this week, Hiriam Pangilinan, who has been experiencing revival and healings and signs and wonders and deliverances and lots of new believers in his local church for years.  He taught us a lot about principles of a revival that will be sustained until the end and not burn out like the ones through out history.  And he taught a lot about deliverance, which was so good to hear from an eastern world perspective and someone who has had tons of experience with it since thats where I'll be for a while.  Super helpful tools.  

I will miss this island, two weeks till graduation and heading to another state far away in Micronesia, Yap, and to some islands that haven't heard the gospel yet. Jesus is breaking in :)