Moments from my heart journey. Spontaneous and unrefined revelation.

Sunday, December 08, 2013

Remote Island Christmas?!

Merry Christmas friends,
Looks like I may have Christmas on Losap Island.  My Chuukese grandma,Mama Rose, is from one of the smallest outer islands of this state,Losap.  I have been praying about how and when to go to as many outerislands as I can to share the love of Jesus in the more isolated and remote islands.  And last week some people here invited us to come toLosap and also to a neighboring island, Piis (pronounced Peace), whichis where a bunch of my friends in Pohnpei are from.  So we startedpraying about when we can go.Last week one of Rose's relatives who we had been praying for in thehospital, passed away.  He is from Piis, so they will take a ship outto that island December 18th to have a funeral.  Mama Rose and I areplanning to travel with them and stay in Piis a few days, then go toLosap for probably several weeks or a month until another boat canbring us back to the main island of Chuuk.  Rose went to every home onthe island to share about Jesus several years ago, and wants to dothat again.  She said that last time, only one person, wanted to befilled with the Holy Spirit, Nesu, and she is the one I met here lastweek who invited us to come.  So my partner in the gospel and I arelooking forward to and praying for this next adventure.Please pray with us for Piis and Losap!Meanwhile a woman's back was healed yesterday, she went from barelywalking with a limp and pain, to smiling, glowing and walkingnormally, and having us pray for others in her family!  Come on God!I'm really praying for opportunities to love on unsuspecting peoplehere and also to encourage and empower the believers here to hear fromGod's heart and perspective and pray in faith for Kingdomtransformation in their land.  Also heading to the laundrymat againthis afternoon, so you never know what might happen there!  hahahaI love you and Bless you guys,Andrea