Moments from my heart journey. Spontaneous and unrefined revelation.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Cultural Toddlerhood

Kasto cha? ... Tapaiko nom ke ho? -
(How are you?... What is your name?)

    My first phrases to learn in Nepali.  And I was saying it wrong for at least a month before I had my first official Nepali lesson and came to understand the correct grammar.  My first few days in Nepal, I went to visit one of the many projects that Iris Nepal is involved in, Banquet House.  They gather every Thursday to spend time with and feed lunch to a group of homeless people in Kathmandu.  I didn't know how to help or say anything, but here I was with 50-100 Nepali people sitting around me and wanting to do my best to love them well or at least show some interest in them but I didn't know how to say a word.  So I quickly reviewed and began to practice "How are you? …. What is your name?"  

   Then I began going down the row introducing myself and asking the same 2 phrases to each person and smiling and nodding with my best enthusiasm.  I had no hopes of understanding their names at the time, but figured if I just started out, then eventually some of the names would become recognizable and familiar.

   I used those 2 phrases a lot over the next few months.  And did become better at recognizing names and was always proud if I remembered it thru the entire conversation and could repeat it to them as I said goodbye, and show that I valued them and remembered their name.  Then one day, after saying goodbye to an elderly woman by name, my friend Sadhana explained to me that its actually not respectful in their culture to call older people by name.  Its considered respectful to call them simply "Mom" or "Dad".  And still weeks later, sitting around the cooking fire one night, Rabina explained, that its not even respectful to call peers by name, but by 'big brother or little brother or sister' respectively.  So after all these months trying to honor people by remembering their names, I found that it wasn't honoring at all to them, and would have been better if I just forgot all their names.  

   Culture!  What a challenge.  And always so humbling to begin as a new baby in a foreign culture and learn how to communicate and how to love and honor well.  

   In Nepal compared to America, there is a higher value placed on family relationships than friendships.  And there is a higher value placed on the relationship than on the individual.  Hence, after making a friend there, you don't call them by name, you call them brother or sister.  And there is a different title for each individual family member.  For instance, there is not just one word for "aunt".  There is a word for the 'older sister of my mother' or the 'younger sister of my mother' or the 'oldest brother of my father' or 'my father's brother's wife'.  So effectively you can call them by their title as they are related exactly to you, and without using their name, you can know exactly which of 6 aunts you are referring to.  And to call someone you are a little bit close to, friend, is almost slightly offensive, like if I were to refer to a friend in America as an acquaintance.  It would create intentional distance in the relationship.  But instead, in Nepal, you call your friends brother/sister.   

   Honor looks different where values are different.  Its so interesting and challenging to learn to love people, not just in the way that seems best to me, but in the way that they can understand and receive it.

Rabina, me and Sadhana.  Sisters :)

(p.s. I also later found out that the more respectful way to ask "how are you?" is a totally different phrase!    ;)

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Sadhana and Rabina's village

    Zoe and I went with our new friend Anabel a hilarious Mexican American who has been volunteering with Iris here in Nepal for the past month or so.  We went with two faith filled Nepali sisters, Sadhana and Rabina, to the villages where they grew up and planted churches and where Sadhana is now raising 4 foster/adopted children.  Their family was some of the first believers in that area and now there are hundreds, and a church in both their communities, these women were revolutionary in so many ways and are pioneers, I am so happy to learn from them and partner with them.  Our time was marked by worship, play, encouragement, declarations of faith and joy, prophetic words and songs and encouraging activating the local believers even more to see the Kingdom come more and more again in their area and nation.

    One day we went to worship and pray over their family's land where they hope to rebuild a house for the kids (the one they are currently using is full and is declared structurally unsound after the earthquake).  They want to build a playground and garden, and home for the kids, a home for elderly, and a training center for discipleship seminars and Bible training.  

    With the help of Sadhana's invitation and translation, we got to minister at a youth service Friday night, which ranges from teenagers to 30s.  Anabel and Zoe shared testimonies encouraging them to go for all that the Lord has for them and to step out in faith and in the Spirit.  Then I led them in some prophetic encouragement games with each other.  It was so fun, they really went for it and were so encouraged.  Then praying with several people afterwards, one woman was healed of pain from her womb where she had been struggling with issues for some time, and her husband and one other person were healed of back pain and they each started praying for each other and for me.  Meanwhile others shared about recently losing a family member and were loved on and ministered to.

     Afterwards we headed up the mountain a small moonlight hike to a home group.  We sat in their upstairs room as the whole room filled with people of all ages and we worshipped together.  And we shared a bit and prophesied over some of the group and then just had a soaking worship time and so enjoyed the presence of God, our friend Raju (who with his wife, Sabina, helps Sadhana staff the kids home) broke into some really freeing spontaneous worship songs.  It was such a sweet time, topped off with milk tea :)

    Free time was usually spent worshipping around the house and making up songs, learning Nepali and pulling the kernels off the corn with awkward hindi soap operas playing in the background, and playing dutch blitz with Aamaa's 6 adopted sons (they are living in 2 rooms above the church since the earthquake, until they have resources to build a new home, and they graciously gave us girls one of the rooms for the few days we stayed with them)  We left them the card game, and left Sadhana a ukulele to learn and keep worshipping and making up songs with.  :) 

   Our first day there, Sadhana took us to pray for some believers who were sick and needed encouragement.  Mahesh and his wife are young and very active believers who help with the youth and raising up disciples.  His elderly mother has been sick with respiratory problems, asthma, and what sounds like COPD for sometime and requiring oxygen at home (which is a very big financial burden in their community and economy), and recently had gotten worse with an infection.  She also is a believe but was soo discouraged and lying in bed seeming quite hopeless and feeling miserable in bed.  We spent quite a long time just praying and worshipping over her in their room and then praying over and encouraging Mahesh and his wife, and then just laughing and enjoying fellowship for a while, and finally she started to brighten up a little bit.  They reported to us a couple days later that she had begun to get better that day and require less and less oxygen and had turned a corner in being encouraged and hopeful.

    My favorite moment of the trip was worshipping and praying over a couple in their roadside cafe.  They were also believers, he had been struggling with low blood pressure issues for over a year.  They were preparing food for the lunch crowd when we came to pray, but he was so encountering the Spirit of God, and all of us, that we just kept worshipping as several people came to look in the doorways of the tiny 3 table cafe/kitchen looking for lunch.  They stayed around listening and watching as we worshipped and then shared some testimonies of miraculous multiplication of food.  And afterward he told us that usually when he tries to pray or worship he has a tightness and heavy spirit that bothers him, but that now he felt so light and free and was able to experience the presence of God.  So sweet!  

    Oh, I almost forgot another favorite moment, the photo below reminded me:  One afternoon a few Hindu friends stopped by to visit after school and we busted out the oil pastels and everyone got creative.  Sita (sitting on the bed with a pink scarf) drew this picture of a flower, and afterwards Zoe and I began to prophecy over her and encourage her based off what God showed us about the picture she had drawn herself.  All about a seed that was already planted in her and the promises of God coming to pass for her... she was soo encouraged, and then told us that she was 4 months pregnant with her first child!  So we got to pray together for her and the baby and she took home her picture with a big smile.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Stories from the village of Salgado :)

We loved our little hikes between houses in the hills

     Sitting on their porch shelling beans, was one of my favorite times to share the gospel, in different ways and stories everyday.  But the story I will always remember with Salgado, is the picture of the gospel in shelling beans.  That Jesus takes us together with the dead part of our flesh and sin, and washes us clean and peals of the death and presents us to the father full of joy and proudly as a handful of fruit, just the beans, the good life giving part.  "Look, Pai, I brought you good fruit, they are alive in you, I pealed off their death and took their punishment and present them to you holy and blameless and perfect and full of life in your presence."   I hope this message of the gospel stays with them and wrecks them with deeper revelation everyday as they sit on the porch, shelling beans for hours a day, their main staple food.  I hope that they can't escape from the revelation of the goodness of God.

- Anderson - 
     This morning, on our last full day here, we went up to visit Lara, who wasn't home, so we went to Dona Nelda's, who also wasn't home.  Dona Nelda lives with 8 grandchildren, 5 of whom's parents died a few months ago.  The story is that the father killed the mother, and then the oldest son killed the father.  And some of the children saw it happen.  Most of the other details were lost in translation, but needless to say the family has been through a lot of trauma and difficult times.  Dona Nelda and some of the children are believers, but not very firm and haven't had much teaching or discipleship and the nearest local church is about an hour or 2 walking.  It was one of the families that God directed me to most focus on in my time here, and especially Dona Nelda and Leticia the 14 year old daughter.  
     But Anderson was home today.  Anderson is the 16 year old son in this family.  He was usually around the house when I came by to visit, and would come by to say hi but not stay in the room long, or maybe listen from outside the door.  But usually he had another teenage friend around so he wasn't totally open to listening.  But he also had a wound on his foot that week that I helped bandage a few times and just checked in on him and his foot.  But today after sitting one-on-one with Leticia for a while and saying bye to her, we were about to leave and Anderson came to the doorway to say bye as well. But suddenly I felt the intentionality of the Lord to stop for him, and to share the gospel with him, personally, just for him.  To tell him that Jesus really died for HIM.  That it was personal, this good news was a message for him, for his heart and his life.  That God was calling him.  I was there with Jenn and Jess, and I think all 4 of us felt the intentionality of God in that moment.  It was like I could feel the Holy Spirit calling his heart, his heartbeat beating faster, feeling that tug toward heaven.  We talked about the power of forgiveness and the suffering that Jesus paid with joy so that we could become free and friends of God.  We talked about Saul becoming Paul and the power of redemption.  And he believed but wasn't ready to say yes with his life to this message.  But he did want to pray that he would feel even more of God's presence and to ask God to increase the call on his heart that he was feeling.  It was a such a sweet moment.  I want it to feel like that every time I preach the gospel.  Thats how it felt in Chuuk the day I was sharing with the youth in Losap.  Free, and full of love and the passion of the Holy Spirit.  I love to be in the room and feel him tugging on hearts like that.  

     That was our last day in the village. I'm not sure where Anderson with his decision to follow Jesus today.  But part of the team is heading back there this next month so I pray to hear the testimonies of victory and opportunities for him to have discipleship as he does decide to step into this wonderful grace and new life.

 "Amendoim" ~ 'Amendoim' means 'Peanut'  in Portuguese, which is what I understood him to say his name was for the first few days until the rest of the community found out and laughed really hard because thats not his real name, but it was so fun that it may stick, at least for me it is stuck. His actual name is Raimundinho, and his wife Rita, and daughters Ana Paula, Andrealina, and Nazare.  I was marked by his openness and eagerness to hear the gospel and to learn about people from other languages and cultures for the first time.
     After they found out that tapioca is one of my favorite Brazilian snacks and that I know how to make it, for our last afternoon together, they were really excited to offer me to use their kitchen to make some (since they said they didn't know how to make it). It was so fun for me and I felt so loved and we all felt so much joy.  It was one of those crazy short term relationships that it just doesnt really make sense how much love and joy you can have for each other in such a short time.  Especially for the quiet women in that family, I don't think they are used to having that much attention or feeling that loved as what we gave them so simply in our few afternoons together.  Enough that Rita was saying bye with tears in her eyes.  The youngest two daughters got baptized and the rest of the family confessed Jesus as their Savior and opened their hearts to walk with him into friendship with the Lord for the first time.  They seem really surprised and hungry to know more about God and really discover the life and heart that he has.

Happy Missionaries

the boys bedroom ;)

Jess had gotten a prophetic picture/vision the week before our trip of a little boy with a yellow shirt and red shorts leading us into people's houses.  So she drew the picture and put it in her pocket as we left the house,  and as it turned out, here was Levi, our village tour guide.  He was almost happy to hear that God had known about him in advance, but was slightly offended that the stick figure didn't reflect how big his muscles were :)
Next month I am heading from here to Nepal, meeting up with my friend Zoe to work with IRIS Nepal for a while as they are helping rebuild in a village outside of Kathmandu.  If you want to meet her, she wrote an amazing little update that explains our upcoming journey   

Bless you!!  Thanks for reading ;)