Moments from my heart journey. Spontaneous and unrefined revelation.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Called Oaks of Righteousness

"And they shall be called Oaks of Righteousness.... a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor."
(Isaiah 60)

A brief background. This week, God is showing me something anew, a foundation of faith in my life, he is creating anew. About the Power of His Spoken Word. That it does not return void without accomplishing his purpose. And that in him is Life, and Resurrection Life, continual and natural victory over death. He spoke a word, and there has been light ever since. He does not have to recreate it everyday. He spoke plants into existence, and they have been growing and multiplying ever since. Not because the ground produces life on its own, in fact by nature it causes decay, but because the nature of God which flows through his creation, is of life. To take a tiny hard seed, and put it in an unlikely place of darkness and decay and to create victory breaking forth to light and life (and by no effort of its own, only by the power and word of God)..... This concept although not so new to my mind, is being made new in my spirit, and it is such good news. I am full of joy.


This morning after work I went by Spirit Ranch for a 'good morning' with James and a little quite time with God on what is fast becoming one of my favorite breakfast nooks and a place for Java with Jesus: James's back porch.

God caught my eye and impressed me with his majesty in a simple thing. A huge tree leaning over the water, with the sunlight reflecting off the water onto the underside of the branches, just dancing with light, leaves flickering in the air, huge trunk and aged branches firmly standing.... It was sweet. But sweeter was the voice of God, whispering through that picture... And they shall be called oaks of righteousness. Immediately I knew that he was speaking of the kids, the neighborhood kids. My spirit jumped for joy inside of me.. Shenoka, even Shenoka. Patrick, Jarmarlyn.... Raylan, Desiree... (maybe any that I will believe for)... A planting of the Lord. For the display of His splendor.

from tiny seeds in unlikely soil, God will bring life. Life, victorious life. Death will be shamed in the face of it. He will display his splendor, and he is chosing to do it in the 'least of these.'

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