Moments from my heart journey. Spontaneous and unrefined revelation.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

humble beginnings

I am in a coffee shop now and ran into one of my future roommates. 4 out of the 5 of us often run into each other here because as we wait to move into the house together, we are all commuters and sharing homes with friends or relatives, so we are slightly homeless and the coffee shop is relatively undiscriminating and lets us come in and out as we need. Please pray for us. We are planning to move into a house (quadraplex apartment) on one of the highest crime blocks in our city. The whole block is full of low income apartments and full of tons of needy kids and parents. While i was in mozambique i had far fetched dreams of moving in on that block and ministering with the families even in crack houses. So far all of us moving into the house will about double the white demographics on the block. haha, God uses akward people and akward groups of people. The 5 of us planning to move in now, (Jill, Melissa, me, Ben, and Russell) are mostly new friends/strangers to each other and need some prayer for following God together and supporting each other in unity and love and just getting to know each other so that we can grow as a team there. The process of moving in has long been delayed, praise the Lord, probably for our own good, but they finally closed on the house, and are waiting for some of the people who have been squatting there for years without paying rent, to move out, and then to renovate somethings and then we can move in. A local church bought the house, and we are the random group God is putting in it. He is up to very creative things. Anyway, so i think we are all in a bit of an impatient, hope defered, slightly frustrated place, and just need to press in in hope, believing and eager expectation for the redeeming, transforming love of the Lord. God is bringing together people from all over the city to pray for and support and be very interested to see what incarnational love looks like here. And i am interested too.

Lower still, lower still. More love, more love. Just fill me up and tip me over and pour you out. over and over. i want to live in the flow of the living water. thank you Jesus!!!

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