I was reading in 1 Samuel this week and really encouraged by some of the things God brought to my attention in Chapter 17 with the shepherd boy David before he kills Goliath.
David knew who he was in this assignment. He was a only a shepherd. And a child of the living God. Not even a soldier in the armies of the living God, just a shepherd of some flocks of the living God. So he took only a shepherd's staff and sling. He did not try to be something he wasn't, and didn't even take a sword or shield. He trusted that all he needed was the Lord himself to rescue him and to defeat the enemy. And he could be himself, totally. His trust was in the Lord to be the one to give him victory.
Saul offered David false armor, armor that didn't belong to him and that represented fear. If he had accepted that armor it would have impeded his chance operate in the faith and freedom of movement that God was actually wanting to use. David's measure of faith for this assignment didn't include that armor. That "extra" armor would have impeded him in this battle. Even though he seemed totally ill equipped by anyone else's standard.
"David replied to the Philistine, "You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of Heaven's Armies—the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied."

I just need him, on the mundane day of cross cultural life, just as much as on the most intense day I can imagine! And I look forward to depending on him and trusting in his Presence on all of those days. For days with the sheep and days with the giants. I come in the name of the LORD.
(I leave for Peru this Tuesday Sept 11, and to Brazil Sept 27th!)
(I leave for Peru this Tuesday Sept 11, and to Brazil Sept 27th!)
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