Moments from my heart journey. Spontaneous and unrefined revelation.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

take up my cross?

Ok so I am going to have to get better at this if I am going to use this as my main communication tool huh?

This is an excerpt from "God Calling" A book of words from God as given to two unnamed listeners. Editted by A.J. Russell I highly recommend it. this is from the March 15th entry: "Remember, you are only an instrument. Not yours to decide how or when or where you act. I plan all that....Mine is the Cross on which the burdens of the world are laid. How foolish is any one of My disciples who seeks to bear his own burdens, when there is only one place for them- My Cross.
It is like a wary man on a hot and dusty road, bearing a heavy load, when all plans have been for its carriage. The road, the scenery, flowers, beauty around -- all are lost.
But, My children, you may think I did say, "Take up your cross daily, and follow Me."
Yes, but the cross given to each one of you is only a cross provided on which you can crucify the self of your that hinders progress and Joy, and prevents the flow through your being of my invigorating Life and Spirit.
Listen to Me, love Me, joy in Me. Rejoice."

This was good and bad news to me as I am learning to crucify self. This message of taking up your cross daily... A dear friend of mine, James, began teaching me about that over 8 years ago, and I am finally starting to get it.

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